Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Director M. Night Shyamalan and Bruce Willis to reteam for a romantic drama

I'm thoroughly convinced that in the last ten years somehow director Uwe Bol killed M. Night Shyamalan and now is just wearing his body as a suit*.  How else do you explain his descent into abject suckiness as a director?  Seriously!  How the Hell do you go from The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable to The Last Airbender and After Earth?  It's more inexplicable than the plot of The Happening.

Well one of the actors who helped propel Shyamalan into mainstream homes, Bruce Willis, will reteam with the much maligned director for a third film.  This news comes via "Deadline."

Unlike his last few movies, the new picture, titled Labor of Love, will be a romantic drama where:

Willis will play a Philadelphia book store owner who loses the love of his life in a tragic accident. Never big on words, he becomes haunted by the notion that he never properly told his wife how much he loved her. Since she once asked if he would walk across the country for her, he decides to show her posthumously just how much he did love her. That trek starts from Philadelphia to Pacifica, CA, which was her favorite place.

This script itself is actually over twenty years old.  Shyamalan sold the script in 1993 to 20th Century Fox but it never got made because Shyamalan was an unknown at the time. 

Honestly at this point I'm holding out little hope for this film's success.  Shyamalan films have taken an express dive into the toilet of late and I don't see Willis resurrecting his career.  Stranger things have happened though and maybe not doing a "genre" pic will help.  If the twist is that Willis was actually dead the whole time he was walking across the country though I'm going to be very pissed.

*I dare you to disprove me.  You've never seen them in separate rooms have you?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that should have said, "You've never seen them in the same room have you?"
