Friday, March 21, 2014

David Fincher Will Direct the Steve Jobs Biopic....On One Condition....

Christian Bale has to play the lead.

"The Wrap" reports that Fincher is very interested in directing SONY's film, written by former collaborator Aaron Sorkin, but only if a certain Academy Award winner who used to don the cape and cowl will step into the Apple founder's shoes.

Now I'm not blind to how the movie industry works. Rumors and gossip fly around like short guys acting tough on Facebook, so take this report with a couple bags full of salt.  However, "The Wrap" tends to be a pretty reliable source and if their sources are to be believed, Fincher approached SONY head Amy Pascal with the ultimatum.  Both Fincher and Pascal have their own contentious history going back several years, so if this is true Fincher's really thrown some gas on the fire.

Despite the (alleged) bold move I think his suggestion is genius.  Bale has quickly become one of this generation's greatest actors and his method acting style is unparalleled,  Plus his inherent scruffiness helps him look the part.

This film is going to be made with or without Fincher and Bale but I think the production would benefit with at least one of them attached, and preferably both.  Fincher is finishing up Gone Girl while Bale is currently working with Ridley Scott on the film Exodus  If this team up happens I wouldn't expect the movie to be released until 2016.  In the meantime both Exodus and Gone Girl release in the Fall.

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