Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tim Blake Nelson to play Mole Man in 'Fantastic 4' Reboot

OK so maybe not that Mole Man.

"THR" reports that Minority Report and O Brother, Where Art Thou? star Tim Blake Nelson is in final negotiations to join the cast of The Fantastic 4.  Nelson is set to play Harvey Elder, a character in the Marvel universe who eventually becomes the Mole Man, a villain shunned by humanity and leader of an underground group of monsters called the Moloids.  Yeah.....

In any event Nelson will not appear as Mole Man in the initial film, only as Harvey Elder.  The studio plans to have Nelson appear as the Mole Man in a later film.  Pretty presumptuous thinking considering the original films were awful. 

Fantastic 4  releases June 19, 2015.

1 comment:

  1. I'd be more interested if he played the Mole Man you pictured.

    In other news - when can we expect your thoughts on the Star Wars casting news, now that it is official?
