Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Cohen Brothers to pen Steven Spielberg's new film!!!!

Wow how's this for a slice of fried gold?

"THR" reports that Steven Spielberg's upcoming, and as yet untitled film, will be written by Oscar winning directors Joel and Ethan Cohen.  Do I really have to list their resume at this point?  If you aren't familiar with the Coens and their work why are you even reading my blog right now?

Spielberg's film will be a Cold War thriller set in the early sixties involving the Soviets, the KGB, the CIA, and...drum roll...Tom Hanks!  That's right.  This will mark the fourth collaboration between Spielberg and Hanks the three previous being Saving Private Ryan, Catch Me if you Can, and The Terminal. 

Let's see Cohens + Spielberg + Hanks + Cold War spy thriller....yeah I'm pretty much all over this film. 

Here's a short synopsis:

Based on the true story revolving around James Donovan (Hanks), a prominent American attorney enlisted by the CIA during the Cold War to slip behind the iron curtain to negotiate the release of a pilot captured when his U-2 spy plane was shot down over Russia.

While Spielberg has a number of future projects on his plate, it looks like this film will be his next as there is a tentative film start date of this September.  My guess would be a release date for Fall of 2015 but again that's speculation. 

Seriously I couldn't be more excited for this film.

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