Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The weirdest possible Indiana Jones 5 update ever

     I have to admit I don't know if this is an elaborate prank or a keen marketing ploy.  Either way it is certainly peculiar.
     A few weeks ago the University of Chicago received a package addressed to Henry Walton Jones Jr., aka Indiana Jones.  For those of you who don't know or don't remember, the University of Chicago is where Indy attended college and came under the tutelage of Abner Ravenwood. There was no return address and the identity of the sender is unknown.  The package was an incredibly intricate, detailed, and well researched homage to the Indiana Jones films. 
     Within said package were various pictures of Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood, Abner Ravenwood's detailed Ark of the Covenant journal, money from the 30s and 40s, other various Indy goodies.  It was sent to Rosenwald Hall which used to be home to the departments of geology and geography.  Furthermore the package had elaborate stamps painted on the packaging and it appeared to be old and wrinkled.

     This is supremely bizarre to say the least.  I honestly hope this is a precursor to an announcement of Indiana Jones 5.  I really do.  However, the realistic side of me believes this was just an Indiana Jones fan with way way to much time on his hands.


  1. Is there anywhere that has more pictures/description of the contents of the package?
