Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Oscar Recap!!!

      Well another Oscar season has come and gone and I have to say it was one of the more entertaining ones I've seen in years.  I thought Seth MacFarlane crushed it (the John Wilkes Booth joke was killer) and although it went long there were plenty of good jokes and endearing moments.  Let's review the highlights shall we?
     Rather than breaking things down I thought I'd do just a little stream of consciousness based on the tweets I did throughout the night.  So here goes:

     I thought Christoph Waltz's speech was fantastic.  Understated, gracious, and charming and he gave a ton of kudos to QT.  Hopefully, he'll be in plenty more Tarantino films.  No idea why Samuel L. Jackson was wearing a smoking jacket.  Apparently he was tired of those motherfucking bow ties on those motherfucking tuxes.  Thought the initial Shatner/MacFarlane thing was hysterical.  Forget the "We saw your boobs" song, the bit with MacFarlane and Sally Field had me rolling especially when they rode off in the Smokey and the Bandit car.  Channing Tatum was about the stiffest presenter I've ever seen.  The only thing that compares is his acting.  Really disappointed by the Bond tribute.  Thought it was incredibly lame.  Performances by the Les Mis cast were incredibly moving even if John Travolta can't pronounce the name of the movie.  I'm convinced that Liam Neeson was stoned or exhausted.  LOVED that they went with the Jaws play off music and of course it wouldn't be a Seth MacFarlane Oscars if Ted didn't show up and make some Jewish jokes.  Anne Hathaway looked so classy.  I usually don't like women with hair that short but damn girl!  Closest thing we have to Audrey Hepburn although it is weird that she is married to Bizarro Ryan Gosling.  Tim Burton's hair meanwhile has never been combed, sad to see that Sandra Bullock was there to present an award and not give back the one she didn't deserve for The Blind Side, and Adele apparently cut her dress off of the curtain behind her before she made her appearance.  Pissed that Pixar won best animated feature once again, Salma Hayek is still smoking hot at 40+, and why couldn't Daniel Radcliffe have used the death spell on Kristen Stewart.  Once again the "In Memoriam" was very classy although they left off Andy Griffith for some reason.  Going to miss Ray Bradbury.  Forgot he was nominated for an Oscar once.  Renee Zeilwigger still has not stopped sucking that lemon, John Williams lost (tear), and what was with the cast of Nelson winning Oscars?  Seriously those haircuts WTF? Dustin Hoffman is incredibly short and kudos to MacFarlane for calling out the Academy on not nominating Ben Affleck.  Surprised that Ang Lee won Best Director but not incredibly so and FUCK YEAH TARANTINO for best original screenplay.  Jennifer Lawrence won!  WHOO HOOO!  A standing ovation from the crowd and one from my pants.  Seriously though very endearing speech.  Daniel Day-Lewis has got to be not only the most talented actor alive but the humblest as well.  Great joke about him and Meryl swapping places.  Glad to see Argo won and classy speech by Ben Affleck.  Final song was kind of odd but even stranger was Michelle Obama presenting the final Oscar.  Jack Nicholson is beyond bizarre.  Still would love to hang out with him.

     Hope you enjoyed that.  See you next year when "Generic English Sawdust Drama" regains the best picture!


  1. I thought MacFarlane did a great job too, it's just too bad he's not interested in doing it again. It's pretty much at the point where no one wants to go through the ridicule that's bound to happen. They should just say eff it and let Zach Galafanakis host. How awesome would that be? I mean if you are going to piss people off, why screw around?

  2. Dude Zach galafanakis would be killer
