Wednesday, September 4, 2013

And your official title for the the fourth Transformers film is.....

When the first three films make a grand total of $2.6 billion worldwide, what comes next is more predictable than Lindsey Lohan's bad decisions.  A fourth film.

Like it or not the fourth edition in the Transformers franchise heads into multiplexes next summer.  Consummate explosion artist--er director--Michael Bay is currently filming the sequel with Oscar nominee Mark Whalberg.  (Which reminds me, say hi to Optimus Prime's motha for me Mark.)

In the last few days Paramount bought up multiple website names involving the Transformers franchise, however they've finally settled on a name.  Drum roll please.  Your new Transformers movie will be called:

Transformers: Age of Extinction

I'm so excited I could just fall into a coma.

Now granted these movies are supposed to be fun, but man this is getting old.  Maybe Wahlberg can inject some new life into this franchise but I almost hope not.  I'm just so done with this franchise.  However, if any of you were wondering if the Dinobots were going to be in the film, the title probably clears that up.

Transformers: Age of Extinction releases June 27, 2014.

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