Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Goodbye Nic Cage hello Kelsey Grammer

Well this is quite the interesting choice.

"Deadline" reports that the man who made Dr. Frasier Crane famous, Kelsey Grammer, has taken a role in next year's The Expendables 3.  Grammer will play the role of Bonaparte, an ex-mercenary who assists the Expendables.  This was the part that Nic Cage once had before dropping out.

Now I don't know about you, but I really can't see Kelsey Grammer as an ex-merc.  Really?  Sideshow Bob?  His persona seems too sophisticated for a role like this.  Nic Cage?  Absolutely.  Kelsey Grammer?  Ehhh not so much.

Grammer can be seen in next summer's Transformers: Age of Extinction* while The Expendables 3 releases August 15th, 2014.

*Did I say sophisticated?  Well I guess if he's in the fourth Transformers film...

1 comment:

  1. Between this and Harrison Ford, it seems like these movies are becoming a place for "old guy" actors to go and just have some fun with a role in a movie that no one is going to take seriously. I love it.
