No I do not mean that Clint Eastwood will be playing George Washington.
According to "Variety" Darren Aronofsky may have his post-Noah project lined up and it concerns nothing less than our first President George Washington. Paramount Pictures is currently negotiating for Adam Cooper and Bill Collage's script The General. Keep in mind it is a first look deal, which means Aronofsky may not direct the film. However, the fact that it IS a first look deal means that there is a strong likelihood that it will get made. Although if you've ever read "Tales from Development Hell" like I have, you may disagree. But I digress.
The reason I mentioned Clint Eastwood is because sources say "the script is more of an 'Unforgiven'-like tale rather than a straight historical drama." So that means George Washington is going to go bounty hunting with Samuel Adams because the king of England cut up a whore's face? Ok maybe not that extreme. But I'm wondering what exactly this is supposed to mean for the film. My guess is that the film will focus more on the Revolutionary War aspects of GW's life rather than his Presidental terms in office.
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