Thursday, June 14, 2012

Will Smith dishes on possible I Am Legend sequel

     For those of you unaware, apparently there is a huge push right now for an I Am Legend *sequel.  I thought the 2007 film was mediocre at best and I really don't see a need for a sequel.  In any event I don't see how Will Smith could possibly be involved in this movie considering (spoiler alert!) he dies at the end of the film.**  Apparently Mr. Smith doesn't think so either as he told BBC news in a recent interview that he's not currently working on it but "If it's great I'm into it."  Yet in the next sentence he says he wouldn't reconsider being in the sequel. which one is it Mr. Smith?  And if he does work on the project would it be as a producer?  A consultant?  Would he make a cameo as the Fresh Prince?  Who knows.
     In a quasi-related story, Smith also told "Empire" magazine that he came really close to playing the lead role in Django Unchained, which eventually went to Jamie Foxx.***  However since he was in the middle of Men in Black 3 he turned down the role.  Really?  You turn down working with one of the most innovative directors in the last 20 years to do a sequel that no one was asking for?  Fail.
     I honestly believe that Will Smith is in fact a good actor.  His turns in Six Degrees of Separation, Ali, and The Pursuit of Happyness prove that he can act.  However, too often Smith**** picks films that are box office draws rather than quality dramatic movies.  And don't get me wrong I love Men in Black and Independence Day but they are never going to make the top 100 movies of all time.  My advice to Smith?  Take more risks.
     Men in Black 3 can currently be seen in theaters while Django Unchained releases Christmas Day.

*I wish someone would do the straight adaptation of Richard Matheson's original novel.  Not only is it fantastic but it also was the book that inspired Stephen King to become a novelist.
**There is an alternate ending on the DVD that is just awful.
***After watching the preview I could care less that Smith turned this role down.  Jamie Foxx looks freakin' amazing.  Not bad for a guy who has the movie Booty Call on his resume of films.
****I will never forgive Smith for allowing his son Jaden to be in a remake of The Karate Kid.  Never.

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