Saturday, September 22, 2012

This is just reprehensible!!!!

      I have an extremely twisted and sick sense of humor.  Laughter is an essential part of the human condition and I firmly believe it's a long life if you can't laugh at yourself.  The fact that I have a sick sense of humor explains why it takes a lot to offend me.  I like to think I'm pretty tolerant.
     But even I have my limits.
     It is my unfortunate and sad duty to report the following story, even though part of me wishes I didn't have to.  Website "Arrow in the Head" reports that a new independent zombie film will soon be released titled Towers of Terror.  That's right people!  Director Matt Gibson and his cast of jackwagons thought it would be a fantastic idea to do a film about 9/11 and add zombies!  For those of you wanting to know the plot here it is:

On September 11, 2001, two groups decide to race to the top of each of the World Trade Center buildings. The towers are hit by terrorist attacks, but the terrorists don't die in the plane crash; they resurrect as zombies hell-bent on their mission to destroy America. As these undead jihadists continue on their path of destruction armed with box-cutters and nail-clippers, the Americans must learn to stand united in their patriotism or else face gruesome death in twin 110 story bloodbaths!

     Look I'm fervently against censorship and I think maybe the best thing about this country is that it provides people the freedom to produce mind numbing dreck like Towers of Terror without physical reprecussions.  However, this odious abortion of a movie repulses me to the core of my soul.  How could anyone, ANYONE possibly think that THIS would be a good idea for a movie??  Why in God's name would anyone take the most horrific attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor and use it as a platform for a zombie schlock fest?!  Not only is it insulting and disrepectful to the men and women who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, it is a visual right cross to the collective jaws of their surviving family members.
     Director Matt Gibson must be a hit with the ladies.  The guy could probably talk a nun into giving him fellatio.  Not since Anne Boleyn's executioner convinced her he was just going to "take a little off the top" has there been a man this persuasive.  I mean he has to be right?  How else could one explain being able to convince a studio to put up real legitimate greenbacks to fund this reprehensible excuse for cinema?
     Moreover, (and believe me when I say this is way down on the totem pole next to the obvious major affront of this movie) it denegrates the quality of zombie media.  Garbage like Towers of Terror severely undermines solid television like "The Walking Dead" and spits on the social relevance of George Romero's 1968 classic Night of the Living Dead
     As I said I'm against censorship.  Thomas Jefferson I believe once said, "I may not agree with what you say sir but I will fight to the death to make sure you have the freedom to say it!"  That's the way I feel about this film.  I would never try to censor or intentionally prevent the distribution of a movie.  Having said that I choose not to see this film and I sincerely hope that the director, cast, and crew never get a job in Hollywood again.  That probably won't happen but maybe they'll at least be ashamed enough not to put it on their resume.

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