Friday, July 26, 2013

"Sharknado" coming to the big screen

                                WORST IDEA EVER!

Wow.  I wish this was a joke.

The SyFy film that set the Twittersphere afire a couple weeks ago, Sharknado, is apparently good enough (boy is that a relative term) that Regal Cinemas thinks you should see it on the big screen.  No seriously.

On August 2nd at midnight those of  you who want to waste $12.50 can part ways with  your cash at over 200 Regal cinemas across the country.  That's right friends and neighbors!  Now you can see Tara Reid on the big screen demonstrate that the word "actress" apparently has a very broad definition. 

According to "The Hollywood Reporter" the goal here is to create a communal viewing experience ala The Rocky Horror Picture Show where fans can get involved. 

To me this is a blatant attempt to snatch money from idiots.  Seriously, it's like trolling a Red Sox fan about Game 6 of the 1986 World Series.  It's just too easy.  But then again there is that old adage "A fool and his money are soon parted."

What bugs me more though is that it's like Regal Cinemas is trying to manufacture a cult classic. That's not the way it works.  Rocky Horror Picture Show, Troll 2, The Evil Dead....these are all cult classics that had to develop cult status on their own.  Now that isn't to say Sharknado won't become a cult classic but for the love of Quint don't try to force the issue.

SyFy has already greenlit a Sharknado sequel starring Shannen Doherty and Chris Klein.  (I'm kidding about the casting but wouldn't that be awesome!)


  1. Business are in business to make money. This will undoubably make money. I could seeing it being a huge hit, not in terms of gross revenue, but in that the people who will attend will have a great time.
