Guess that title was a little harsh. I actually liked Avatar even if it was essentially Pocohontas in Space.
In any event, anybody looking for a return to Pandora and another dose of the Na'vi may have to wait a bit...as in nearly half a decade.
The website Bleeding Cool recently had a chance to sit down with Avatar producer Jon Landau who says the first sequel (there are reportedly two) won't appear until at least 2015 and more likely 2016. This was much longer than was originally anticipated by Fox who thought the first sequel would be out as early as 2013. While director James Cameron previously alluded to some ideas for the sequel, such as the oceans of Pandora or visiting the moons of Polyphemus, nothing has gone beyond the preliminary stages.
Additionally, it appears James Cameron has plenty of other projects on his plate including tech research, a prequel novel to Avatar, research on the Mariana Trench (WTF?), re-releasing Titanic in 3D (why?????), and supervising an Avatar theme park for Disney land. (Wonder if the last will have tail sex in it.) While he's at it he might as well run for President*, solve global warming, and make Russell Brand funny.
I question whether or not we even need an Avatar sequel. It's not like the end of the film was Back to the Future. Furthermore, will audiences still be enamored with Avatar in 2016? They sure didn't turn out for the last Terminator film. Moviegoers are nothing if not fickle. Furthermore, I'd hate to see Cameron turn into the director version of George R.R. Martin where we have to wait ten years for the sequel.
In any case I don't have any particular desire to see an Avatar sequel. A sequel to The Adventure of Pluto Nash however....
*By the way we are almost two weeks into the new year and I already cannot stand the constant Presidential candidate garbage that inundates my television. Do I really have to put up with this shit for the next 10 months??
James Cameron can do a lot of things, but he can't make Russel Brand funny. He's a movie maker, not Tim Tebow.
ReplyDeleteAnd to answer your question, yes you do. And the rest of us are suffering right along with you. America FTW!