With the departure of Benicio del Toro, and principal photography set to begin soon, J.J. Abrams and the production staff were desperately looking to cast the villain in the new Star Trek film.
Look no further.
Benedict Cumberbatch (doesn't that sound delightfully British?) has been cast as the lead villain in the upcoming space opera sequel. The star of BBC television's "Sherlock" can also be seen currently in War Horse and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. As to who that villain will be, the public only knows that it will be someone with a "devious and brilliant mind." So...Newt Gingrinch instead of Klingons? I kid of course.
Rumors abound that Cumberbatch will play Star Trek icon Khan but Abrams continues to deny the suggestions. Personally, I wish Abrams would just end this garbage and say definitively who the villain will be. Khan? Klingons? Kim Jong Il's ghost??? I really don't care. JUST TELL US.
Cumberbatch joins the original cast from the 2009 film along with additions Peter Weller, Alice Eve, and Noel Clarke. The Star Trek sequel is set to release May 17th, 2013.
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