Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Guys relax! It's just a movie!

     Anyone who's spent a significant amount of time around me knows I love movies.*  In fact most people who meet me for the first time find that fact out about me usually in the first five minutes. 
     Having said that, I would like to stress that I am a fan of movies not a fanatic.  I'd like to draw that distinction because the news I saw earlier today about what's going on over at is incredibly disturbing.
     Unless you live in a bomb shelter, you probably know that The Dark Knight Rises opens this Friday.  There are already over a hundred reviews of the film and the approval rate is hovering around 85% positive.  Here's the general consensus straight from the horse's mouth:

The Dark Knight Rises is an ambitious, thoughtful, and potent action film that concludes Christopher Nolan's franchise in spectacular fashion, even if it doesn't quite meet the high standard set by its predecessor.

     That sounds about right and it's pretty much on par with what I'm expecting out of the film.  But like any film, there are going to be a certain amount of people who just...don' it.  And I'm ok with that.  There are classic films that I absolutely can't stand, but when you get right down to the nitty gritty, my reviews count for precisely dick.  I'd like to think that my reviews are insightful, but I certainly don't expect everyone to agree with me.  I never base whether I see a film on how a critic reacts to it and neither should you.  I'm sure that Norbit is probably someones favorite film of all time and just because I think the movie sucks, doesn't mean I have the right to tell you how to feel about it.
     Unfortunately not everyone shares my opinion, such as several certified ass-hats over at  Certain critics have been receiving death threats (death threats!) because of their negative reviews of TDKR.  As a consequence rottentomatoes has suspended reviews of the film until further notice.
     Really?  Really guys?  You feel so strongly about this film that you're going to drop death threats on critics?  Shame on you!  Apparently these jack-wagons not only have the IQ of an amoeba, they also feel confident enough to casually spew their vitriol behind the faceless curtain of the Internet.  Way to go you cowards!
     I have a message to all these wanna-be, morbidly obese, superhero obsessed, Comic Book Guy from "The Simpsons" virgins, living in their parents' basements and masturbating to Anime porn.  Move out, get a job, and grow up.  I have exactly zero respect for people who pull this shit.  Even if I vehemently disagree with a critic I would never stoop so low as to send death threats.
     To quote William Shatner: "Get a life."

*Of course I love movies!  I run a freakin' movie blog for goodness sake!

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