Monday, July 16, 2012

Robocop reboot year setting is closer than expected....

    I'm still not sure about the Robocop reboot but since I'm planning on giving the Total Recall reboot a chance and the talented actors that are joining the project, I'll probably see it.
     In any event "Bloody Disgusting" reports that Robocop will be set in the year 2029*.  Now at first I thought this was a little soon for my taste.  I know it's a movie and there's a certain amount of suspension of disbelief, but is mankind really only 17 years away from making cyborgs?  I didn't think so.  But then I began to think about it from the perspective of my own job at Verizon Wireless.  Look how far the cell phone has come in 10 years.  In 2002 the text message was a novel idea.  Hell look at how far smart phones have come in the last three years!  Comparing the original Motorola Droid (2009) to the Samsung Galaxy III that was just released is like comparing an amoeba to an orangutan.  Ergo why couldn't we have cyborgs in 2029?  Technology after all is progressing at a more increased rate than at any other time in mankind's history.
    But I digress.  Here's a synopsis of the film:

“In RoboCop, the year is 2029 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the centre of robot technology. Their drones are winning American wars around the globe and now they want to bring this technology to the home front. Alex Murphy is a loving husband, father and good cop doing his best to stem the tide of crime and corruption in Detroit. After he is critically injured in the line of duty, OmniCorp utilises their remarkable science of robotics to save Alex’s life. He returns to the streets of his beloved city with amazing new abilities, but with issues a regular man has never had to face before.”

     Robocop hits theaters August 2013.

*Film fans may note that 2029 is also a significant date for another movie franchise.  It's the year Judgement Day (the nuclear holocaust) occurs according to the first two Terminator films.

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