Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ease off Kickstarter movie fans!!!!

For the life of me I can't understand why so many movie fans are up in arms about Kickstarter. I can somewhat see their point in that why should fans have to pay Hollywood to make movies and then turn around and pay for a ticket to see the movie AND buy the DVD?
Yet like many things in life, fans are getting too caught up in the money aspect of things. In fact to continually expect Hollywood to spoon feed us films that are often sub par represents an overall malaise and laziness on the part of Americans.
But I digress.
Fans are missing the big picture here. For this first time they may be able to have some real power over what films get made, the films THEY want to see, not what some stuffed shirt in a movie executive boardroom THINKS  the public wants to see.
Think about it. How many projects twist in the wind or are condemned to Development Hell for lack of funding? If not for financial concerns the public could have experienced "Total Recall 2", a Ted Williams biopic, or that Chilean miners film that's been languishing in the trenches. This is an opportunity for the public to have a real substantial influence on the movie industry. Why not take advantage?
Now obviously sites like Kickstarter may result in some bad movies being made. But that's still the case in modern Hollywood today so what's the difference?  I think it more likely that better movies will be made. Moreover I think directors, actors, and writers, that have lacked success in the past may finally get the opportunities they've long desired. How many hidden gems are struggling in Hollywood right now desperate for a chance?  Sites like Kickstarter will give them that chance.
Don't get me wrong. I have no interest in seeing a "Veronica Mars" movie, but the sentiment and principle holds true. The film received the necessary funding ($2 million) in TWELVE HOURS. If a semi-obscure television show can get this kind of backing, the possibilities are limitless.
I for one will continue to support Kickstarter and similar organizations' endeavors. This could be a game-changer that literally reshapes the face of the movie industry.

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't aware that people were upset about the whole thing. Do you have any links, etc. that shows how mad people are about the idea? Personally I agree with you - it's potentially an historic development. Between this and the push by Netflix/Amazon to make original series, we're in something of a new era of entertainment. Kinda cool.
