Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sadly Die Hard 6 is coming your way.....


     This is the toughest part of being a movie blogger:  delivering bad news about upcoming shitastic movies.  After the abortion that was A Good Day to Die Hard, I was desperately hoping that this franchise would just (no pun intended) die.  I mean didn't anyone take the hint that this wouldn't be a good movie based on the fact that the movie was released in February, typically the doldrums of the movie year?  Not to mention the fact that it was set in Russia.  Oy vey.
     Well nowhere in the world does the adage "money talks and bullshit walks" hold more true than in Hollywood.  Even though I thought the film was bullshit, A Good Day to Die Hard made enough money to garner a sequel.  Unfortunately it will not be called Just Die Already but....wait for it....wait for it....Die Hardest.  <repeated face palm>
    "Total Film" reports that the movie will start out in New York City but primarily be based in Tokyo, Japan.  Let me guess.  Japanese Yakuza?  The concept alone is enough to make me want to fall on a samurai sword. 
     Additionally, screenwriter Ben Trebilcook has been hired to put a treatment together which he says will be "extremely faithful to the franchise and characters and is a natural progression.  It is also a very plausible storyline."  Excuse me while I spit my Coke out from laughter.  Plausible storyline?  Considering that the last film's plot was just this side of a bad "24" episode I'd say there's no where to go but up.  However, the next film will probably find Bruce Willis fighting aliens or something. 
     Listen, Die Hard is my all-time favorite action movie but every film since then (with the except of Die Hard With A Vengeance)  has been forgettable at best, odious at worst.  I just wish Hollywood would stop going to the well on this one and let the franchise die in peace.

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