Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Third times the charm, writers of the first two "Amazing Spider-Man" movies will return for the third film

I didn't particularly care for The Amazing Spider-Man.  It's not that the film was bad, it just felt empty and lacking in substance and soul.  There's no denying the box-office numbers though, and it looks like everyone associated with the film is in it for the long haul.  Although the sequel doesn't hit until next May, the third and fourth feature films are already in the works.  And it appears as though all of the writers from the first two movies will return at least for the third.

"The Hollywood Reporter" reveals that writers Jeff Pinkner, Alex Kurtzman, and Robert Orci will all return for the third Amazing Spider-Man which isn't set to debut until June 10, 2016.  A fourth film will follow on May 4, 2018.  Why all the pre-planning you ask?  Apparently the people behind these films are structuring these movies to facilitate a larger story arc.  For example, while Norman and Harry Osborn will be introduced in the next film, they'll play a minor role.  Their roles won't come to fruition until the third film.

Well I suppose if you are going to treat a series of movies in this manner, it's best if  you remain consistent.  Retaining the same writers goes a long way to accomplishing that goal. 

As I said I didn't really like the first film but the cast for the second movie looks excellent.  Paul Giamatti, Chris Cooper, Jamie Foxx, Sally Field, and Andrew Garfield are all a part of it, so that seems encouraging.  Plus part of the film was shot in my hometown of Rochester, New York so how can I not check it out?

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 opens May 2, 2014.

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