Hollywood and Academy Award winning director Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker) have been kicking around an Osama bin Laden film for over a year now. Just before the film received a green light however, Seal Team Six stepped in and gave Osama a one way express ticket to visit Allah and the project was put on hold. Well after a Daytona 500-like delay the project is finally moving forward.
According to the "Hollywood Reporter" Bigelow's Bin Laden project (as yet untitled) has just begun shooting in New Delhi, India and already has a release date of December 19, 2012.* Unlike the previous incarnation, this film will focus almost completely on Seal Team Six and the operation to take out Bin Laden. The script is penned by fellow The Hurt Locker collaborator Mark Boal who also won an Academy Award for the same film. Joel Edgerton** (Warrior) and recent Academy Award nominee for The Help Jessica Chastain both have starring roles, although at this time no one knows exactly what those roles are.
So lets see:
Academy Award winning director--check.
Academy Award winning screen writer--check.
Two solid up and coming actors--check.
Compelling source material--DOUBLE check.
Sounds to me like the makings of a solid film. The film and the worldwide critical reaction ought to be very interesting.
*Obviously the film is being released in late December because of Oscar considerations. However, isn't it odd that this film is a week before Christmas? "Hey kids do you want to go see Jingle all the Way or a movie about a horrible person who gets shot in the head?" Although to be fair actually watching Jingle all the Way is the cinematic equivalent of getting shot in the head.
**Fun fact: Edgerton actually played the young version of Luke Skywalker's Uncle Owen Lars in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
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