Only one day after I do a post about how Hollywood is missing the boat with a Ted Williams biopic and are content to go with "same tired old crap," news from "The Hollywood Reporter" goes and proves me right. News broke today that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito have signed on to do a sequel to the 1988 Ivan Reitman film Twins*. The title will be...wait for it...Triplets. And who might you ask is the third brother? Why none other than Eddie Murphy. I guess in a world where it somehow makes sense to movie execs to ponder, let alone green light a sequel to Twins, the choice of Eddie Murphy makes some kind of weird...nah. I can't do it. It still makes no sense.
I loved Twins between the ages of ten to thirteen. The Arnie "fish out of water" story was entertaining and Kelly Preston was SMOKIN hot. Then I took a biology class and realized how ridiculous the plot of the movie was. And guess what? Twenty four years later the movie doesn't hold up. Shocking!
"The Hollywood Reporter" also states that Ivan Reitman will return to the project but only as a producer. No word yet on a director and there is still no script. I'm sure the screenplay will include plenty of heavy dialogue for Arnie like "Stick around!" and "And I say no!" and "Eddie get to the choppa!'" and "You blew my cover" and "GRAAHHHAAAHHHA!!!" This probably goes without saying but I hope this project stays at the deepest level of development hell.
*Can a Junior sequel be far behind?
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