Yeah that's right I worked in a Clerks 2 reference in the post's title.
In keeping with the tradition that everything must be a trilogy now, the heavily derided/scrutinized/banned series of films The Human Centipede is getting a third, and presumably final incarnation.
Writer/director Tom Six confirmed with "Entertainment Weekly" that there will be a third film. The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence begins shooting in May and June with a target release date of 2013. Six also confirmed that Dieter Laser from the first film and Laurence R. Harvey from the second film will be returning. Furthermore, Six states that the film will "make the last one look like a Disney film" and that it will be "100% politically incorrect." Considering the fact that the last film was originally banned in the UK for the extreme graphic nature of the film, I'm not entirely sure how that is possible.
For those of you not familiar with the films, the first movie revolves around a demented doctor who kidnaps three people and sews the anus and mouth of each person together in sequence in order to create one long gastric tract. The second film involves a "fan" who is obsessed with the doctor's exploits and kidnaps ten people to replicate the same "experiment."
Listen I'm the last person to judge anything, God knows I've made enough mistakes in my life. But can someone please explain the appeal of these movies to me? I'm just at a loss as to how anyone would find this interesting or that the premise could encompass an entire 90 minute film. Don't get me wrong I'm not necessarily against this film. I thought Saw was one of the most original horror films in the last two decades, and many consider it to be torture-porn horror.
But to each his own.
Don't expect Meryl Streep to attach herself to this project anytime soon, but if she does I'm sure she will receive her 18th Academy Award nomination.
*I will admit that South Park's take off on The Human Centipede, where the late Steve Jobs created the Human Centipad (a take off on the iPad) was pretty funny.
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