Have to say this story had me stand up and take notice. Several days ago Christian Bale signed on to play in director Scott Cooper's (Crazy Heart) upcoming revenge tale Get out of the Furnace. Bale will play a recently released ex-convict who returns home to start a new life only to find his younger brother has been violently murdered. As you might suspect this sets the original American Psycho's screws loose and he becomes obsessed with destroying the man who killed his brother.
Currently, actors like Channing Tatum, Casey Affleck, and Garrett Hedlund are after the part of Bale's younger brother, however that isn't the exciting news. What's exciting is that Viggo Mortensen (Lord of the Rings, Eastern Promises, A Dangerous Method) may play Bale's main antagonist in the film. Batman and Aragorn in the same movie? Who do I have to kill to get a ticket?
Right now the report is just rumor however I think this would be a great fit. Mortensen* has already proven he can play tough, even evil characters. Furthermore, how can a film with two highly talented actors like Bale and Mortensen be a bad film? (You may insert Ishtar jokes now.) Seriously though Get out of the Furnace would just be your average run of the mill action flick if it didn't have Bale and Cooper attached. Throw in Viggo Mortensen and you've got a recipe for box office success.
*You have to check out Mortensen in The Prophecy. He plays one of the slickest versions of Satan I've ever seen on screen.
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