Interested in seeing Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson portray the most well known demi-god of all time?
All that matters is what director Brett Ratner thinks apparently.
According to "Variety," the man who just brought you an Eddie Murphy film not involving a fat suit, is recruiting the former WWE wrestler to play the title role. Said movie will involve ancient Greek mythology but will be largely based on Steve Moore's 2008 graphic novel "Hercules: The Thracian War."
Obviously at this point old Dwayne is nowhere close to signing on the dotted line but I think the choice makes sense. Johnson definitely has the body for it. Besides I think Kevin Sorbo is waiting on cars at Sonic or something. A lot of people rag on Johnson but honestly I think he's ten times the actor Arnie, Van Damme, or Chuck Norris* ever were. Plus he's already had experience with ancient mythology action with The Scorpion King.
I'm actually more concerned that Brett Ratner is doing this film. Not only is he an A1 uberdouche, outside of Red Dragon his films aren't that good. (And no you don't get to throw the Rush Hour series in my face. Those movies weren't good either.) It's too bad John McTiernan (Predator, Die Hard) couldn't do this film. I think the match up between Johnson and him would be epic. Here's a brief synopsis:
"Fourteen-hundred years ago, a tormented soul walked the Earth that was neither man nor god. Hercules, powerful son of the god king Zeus, received nothing but suffering his entire life. After twelve arduous labors and the loss of his family, this dark, world-weary soul turned his back on the gods, finding his only solace in bloody battle. Over the years he warmed to the company of six similar souls, their only bond being their love of fighting and the presence of death. These men and woman never question where, why, or whom they go to fight; only how much they will be paid. Knowing this, the King of Thrace has hired these mercenaries to train his men to become the greatest army of all time. Hercules begins to question King Cotys' motives when he takes his army out to battle and sees them practice on innocent men, women, and children of their neighbors. Deep in his soul something stirs, but is it enough to stop a mad king and his army of the damned from marching across Greece - or even Olympus itself?!"
There's no production start at this time and no other cast members have been announced. Johnson can currently be seen in Journey 2 and Ratner can be seen eating cheese and making racial slurs on Howard Stern.
*Hopefully Chuck Norris won't read that part of my post, break into my house, and round house kick my face into the keyboaeknmfa;jcvoenrfeln vlajaldjfalknjflienfl.....Oops. Too late.
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