We're just about three months away from the premiere of the third, and final, installment of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy and I'm more keyed up than the Joker on a three day Red Bull bender. So keyed up in fact that I'm willing to report anything that even remotely resembles some Dark Knight news.
The MPAA not surprisingly, christened The Dark Knight Rises with a fresh PG-13 rating. I say not surprising because aside from The Punisher there's never been a comic book film rated R. In any event did anyone think for one moment that Warner Bros. was going to let Nolan cut a R rated Batman film? Not gonna happen.
Said director and various members of the cast sat down with "Entertainment Weekly" recently to discuss the upcoming film. Nolan describes Bane's character as possessing "formidable physical strength" and is the "absolute evil of intention." Sounds badass to me. The man portraying Bane on screen, actor Tom Hardy, did express some of his worries about "Bane Voice Gate"* which has rankled various Caped Crusader fans everywhere. "It's a risk because we could be laughed at--or it could be fresh and exciting." I'm hoping for the latter.
Christopher Nolan also commented on the depths of Catwoman's character. The director stated that she's a "shifty cipher, calloused survivor, and world class criminal." It sounds like Catwoman will be a more mentally astute pseudo-villain than the cat burglar/sex goddess we've seen in previous incarnations.** I'm sure Nolan also gives her a deep and layered back story. At least that's what I'm hoping.
Anne Hathaway, who portrays the feline femme fatale, says she had to physically transform. After initial discussions about the vision of Catwoman's physicality with Nolan, Hathaway says, "I basically left the his office and went to the gym and just came out about five minutes ago." It makes me wonder how many back flips we will be seeing in this edition.
The Dark Knight Rises releases July 20th.
*I don't really see what the fuss is all about regarding Bane's voice. I could hear it fine. Plus if the pre-screening a month ago is any indication I think things will be just fine. People liked it enough to give it a standing ovation.
**I'm sorry but I though Michelle Phieffer was so unattractive in Batman Returns. She looked like a pale white corpse wearing a dominatrix costume.
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