Monday, November 19, 2012

A Moratorium on Indiana Jones 5

     It pains me to do this and it will probably royally piss off one of my devoted followers, but like the iconic archaeologist's father says in The Last Crusade, sometimes you just have to "let it go."  After long and careful thought I've decided to declare a moratorium on any Indiana Jones 5 updates. 
     It's been four and half years since Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull came out and in that time fans have received nothing but rumor, inuendo, promises, and conjecture about if there would be a fifth Indiana Jones film and what it would involve.  Nearly half a decade later and that's still all we have.  Listen I love a good movie rumor (hell that's a big part of what my blog is for) but enough is enough.
     I was hoping that with the acquisition of Lucasfilm by Disney there might be a glimmer of hope for the fedora wearing adventurer.  After all new company, new ideas, new stories, and less George Lucas control seemed like an ideal situation.  Unfortunately, in last week's "Entertainment Weekly" high ranking Disney executives revealed they have little to no interest in pursuing a fifth film and instead want to focus on the future of the Star Wars franchise. 
     I can't say I blame them.  As much as I love Indiana Jones, Star Wars is more marketable, has a much bigger fan base, and can be a cash cow for decades.  You think James Bond films are lucrative and virtually inexhaustible?  Wait 'til you see what Disney does with Star Wars.
     Therefore, this will be the last Indiana Jones post you ever see on this blog--with one caveat.  If for some reason a fifth Indiana Jones becomes greenlighted--and by that I mean where there is actual pre-production, a writer, a director, a production date, cast members--then AND ONLY THEN will I put up a post.  Until that happens this is it.  You'll have a better chance of making me recreate the elevator scene alongside Psy in "Gangham Style" than you will at getting me to write another Indiana Jones post.
     I've had fun writing about Indiana Jones 5 rumors, but no more.  I'm putting the iconic archaeologist back into The Well of Souls and sealing him off.  To quote Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton when President Lincoln died, "Now he belongs to the ages."

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