Friday, November 2, 2012

Disney buys Lucasfilm; promises new "Star Wars" films starting in 2015!!! Could Indy 5 be far behind???

     I'm rarely surprised by the actions of Hollywood.  In a town that continues to make Adam Sandler pictures despite the fact that he stopped being funny ten years ago, why would anything take me aback.  I mean we are talking about a town that just decided to make Hungry Hungry Hippos into a film after all. 
     But I have to say this floored me.
     In an unprecedented and unexpected move, Disney this past week purchased Lucasfilm Ltd for $4.05 billion.  They will have 100% control of Lucasfilm and all associate properties, such as LucasArts, Skywalker Sound, and Industrial Light and Magic.  I am dumbfounded that a man like George Lucas who clings to the creative control of Star Wars like Gollum clings to the One Ring would willingly give up Lucasfilm, no matter how much money was involved.  According to "The Hollywood Reporter" Lucas will stay on as a "creative consultant" but Kanye West was once considered as a creative consultant for the impending Jetsons movie so take that for what it's worth.
     But we're not done kids.  Not only has Disney acquired Lucasfilm they've already promised new Star Wars films starting in 2015.  New movies will follow every few years.  Allow a moment for that factoid to sink in.  That's right episode 7 will be gracing theaters in less than three years.
     But who better to give a response to this avalanche a change than the man himself:

“For the past 35 years, one of my greatest pleasures has been to see Star Wars passed from one generation to the next, It’s now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of filmmakers. I’ve always believed that Star Wars could live beyond me, and I thought it was important to set up the transition during my lifetime. I’m confident that with Lucasfilm under the leadership of Kathleen Kennedy, and having a new home within the Disney organization, Star Wars will certainly live on and flourish for many generations to come. Disney’s reach and experience give Lucasfilm the opportunity to blaze new trails in film, television, interactive media, theme parks, live entertainment, and consumer products.”

       I am in awe of what this could actually mean for the Star Wars franchise.  Finally we are going to get creative minds other than George Lucas to bring their considerable talents to his world.  The possibilities are endless.  It sounds like George expects Star Wars to exist long after he's dead and buried.  Quite honestly I could see Star Wars films becoming somewhat of a James Bond like situation, where movies, television, etc are constantly passed on to a new generation.  A theme park?  Are you kidding me?  I would be all over that!  (Well if my wife lets me go.  Just kidding babe.)  And believe me with the multitude of novels, short stories, and comic books that have emerged in the last two decades there is virtually no end to source material.
     Which brings up an interesting point when it comes to the proposed movies.  Will these films follow the Star Wars novels that have emerged overtime, novels that George Lucas himself had to approve.  Disney execs who go in a different direction are bound to incur the ire of Star Wars fans.  Moreover, what would be the time frame for these movies?  Most of the actors involved in the original trilogy are too old to be a part of anything less than two decades after the fact.  And what if they don't want to be part of it?  Will new actors be cast for these iconic roles.  So many questions to consider.
     Also what of the proposed fifth Indiana Jones film.  Will this now move in a different direction?  Again I'm sure there are plenty of creative talents chomping at the bit to bring a new Indy adventure to the screen.  This action by Disney gives them the power to cast any director they want without George Lucas's approval.  Would Harrison Ford still want to be a part of it?  Who should direct the film?  For that matter who should direct the next Star Wars?  Again more questions than answers.
     Oh and in case you are wondering 20th Century Fox will not be producing any of these movies.  Also if you are scoring at home, Disney now owns Lucasfilm Ltd AND Marvel.  At this point I think if Disney Ceo Bog Iger ran for President he's win in a landslide next Tuesday.  
     Personally, I think this news is fantastic and I am so stoked to see what direction Disney will go.  Unlike Han Solo I don't "have a bad feeling about this." 

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great deal all around. Kudos to Lucas for seeing the bigger picture.
