Saturday, November 17, 2012

You want "Star Wars"?? I'll give ya "Star Wars"! How about 2-3 films a year? Plus I give my suggestions on the future of the franchise!

     Wow this escalated quickly.
     Unless you've been living under a Wampa igloo for the past few weeks you probably know that not only did Disney buy Lucasfilm but also they are planning to release new Star Wars films beginning in 2015, with new ones to come every few years.  Well now comes the news from Entertainment Weekly that Disney is thinking about going the Marvel route and releasing 2 to 3 Star Wars films a year!
     Say what?
     I'd like to say I'm afraid of Star Wars saturation but I'm not.  With all the Star Wars material out there (comic books, novels, video games, etc) the source material is vast enough to encompass the demand.  There's so many options here, everything from the post Jedi novels, to animated films, to "Knights of the Old Republic."  And the fan base is just as big as the Marvel comic book fan base.  (Hell Bond has had 23 films and I can guarantee that there are more Star Wars enthusiasts than there are James Bond fans!)
     If  you can't quite make out that noise you may be hearing I can tell you what it is.  It is the sound of Disney cash registers CHING CHINGING throughout the land.
     As for myself the following are my thoughts on the future of Star Wars from the best to the worst:

BEST:  Set the new trilogy of films at least twenty five years after Jedi.  This will help account for the actors ages.  Also in the Star Wars universe this puts us right in the middle of the Yuuzhan Vong War, a battle against an extra galactic species that can't be recognized in the Force and hates all technology.  By the this time the Jedi Order has been restored, some of the main characters have kids, and there are plenty of new characters to go around.

MIDDLE OF THE PACK:  Set the new trilogy five years after Jedi and do Timothy Zahn's "Heir to the Empire" series.  Now in order to do this a drastic step has to be taken:  recasting Luke, Leia, Han, and others.  I know many Star Wars traditionalist would cry foul but I'm sorry Harrison Ford can't pass for 38 and Mark Hamill can't pass for 28.

WORST:  Completely ignore the post Jedi novel source material and go in a brand new direction.  I think this is the worst idea because if you didn't already know Star Wars are very big into details.  They (myself included) take the events and stories that came after Return of the Jedi to be cannon and not to be trifled with.  This isn't a Star Trek reboot situation where you explain it away with a whole new time line.  People are going to be pissed and risk alienating your fan base.

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