Tuesday, June 12, 2012

From the "Who the hell wanted this movie to be made?" department, action/adventure script "Methuselah" to get a rewrite

     Before you ask, no that is not Methuselah.
     I have to say this project flew well below my radar.  Director James Watkins (The Woman in Black) recently finished the first draft of action adventure film Methuselah.  (I seriously can't believe I just wrote that sentence.)  Well the studio wasn't exactly thrilled with Watkins version* because according to "Variety" they just hired I Am Legend 2 scribe (yes apparently that movie is happening too) Arash Amel to come in and completely re-write the script.
     For those of you not up on your Bible studies, Methuselah was the grandfather of Noah and the oldest man ever recorded in the Bible.  The movie apparently revolves around the titular character and "follows a 1,000 year old man who has used his time on the planet to develop an unparalleled set of survival skills."
     I just find it incomprehensible that any one in the public is demanding this movie.  And how is this an "action adventure" movie?  Are you telling me that Methuselah's cane turns into a bazooka?  Perhaps his wheelchair is actually a spaceship?  Maybe his beard can deflect bullets?  I don't know.  All I know is that this movie sounds ridiculous on so many levels I can't even list them all.  And I don't want to.
     Shooting begins after the flood and when the lead actor finishes his latest bowel movement.

*Maybe the studio didn't like the first draft because IT'S AN EFFING ACTION ADVENTURE MOVIE ABOUT METHUSELAH!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I dunno...I'm actually curious to see how this turns out. Not that I am going to go run and see it, but I think there's some hope there with the originality (versus having bazookas and spaceships and deflected bullets, etc.)
