Saturday, June 22, 2013

Could Dwayne Johnson team up with Schwarzenegger for Terminator 5?

This is almost too much awesomeness to handle for one post!

Now bear in mind that this news comes from the "WWE Examiner" but the magazine is reporting that the reason Dwayne Johnson will not be a part of Wrestlemania 30 next Spring is because he's being eyed for a role in the fifth Terminator film.  Let me give you a moment to allow that to sink in.

Good?  Ok.

In fact the magazine reports that one version of the script may be tailored just for Johnson and could be (drum roll) a prequel:

"Incredibly, Schwarzenegger may not play the role of a machine in the next film, but a potentially heroic human figure in or close to the Connor family. One theory is that Schwarzenegger's remarkable ability to protect the Connor family in the 1940s or 1950s with antiquated weaponry by today's standards ultimately inspired the machines to develop a terminator in his likeness that was eventually sent to 1984 when Sarah Connor was first targeted for termination."

Wow.  That's interesting.  I wonder if WWII might come into play here.  Nazis and machines from the future?  Excuse me while I have a nerdgasm.
In any case this is just pure speculation and we won't know for sure until the film starts rolling.  All I know is that having Dwayne Johnson in a film right now usually means box office gold so I think producers would be crazy not to cast him.

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