Friday, February 7, 2014

Marc Forster will direct the big screen adaptation of 'Red Rising'

After the absolute joke of a book that was The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, I need a solid science fiction novel to wash the bad taste out of my mouth.  I think that book is going to be Pierce Brown's Red Rising, as I've heard nothing but good things about it so far and I love anything Mars related.

With so much buzz going on about the novel, it probably comes as no shock that the film adaptation is already on the way.  Well not only has the book already been optioned into a movie, its already got a director.

Director Marc Forster (World War Z) shall direct the film for Universal which recently won the bidding rights.  I absolutely detested World War Z so I'm a little upset Universal pegged him for the director.  I'm hoping that the plot itself will overwhelm any failings that Forster brings to the table.  It also helps that Brown has already adapted the screenplay.  Joe Roth will produce the film as well.

For those of you unfamiliar with the plot (which is probably a vast majority of people since the book just released on Tuesday)  here's a brief summary:

The tale takes place on desolate Mars, where the protagonist is caught in a class system that thrives on oppression and secrecy. He is a Red, the lowest member of society, born to toil in the bowels of the planet in service to the sovereign Golds. When Darrow suffers a devastating loss and betrayal he becomes a revolutionary, out to bring about social justice. Questions of fate, duality, and loyalty, evolve in a cruel test of war between the sons and daughters of the ruling elite.

Not only does this sound right up my alley, it also sounds fairly mature for what's considered a "young adult" novel.  Word of mouth says this book, which is the first novel in a trilogy (natch!) will be just as popular as Harry Potter and The Hunger Games.  That's HIGH praise considering this is the first novel for a twenty-six year old unknown.  However, it's already gotten fantastic reviews from one of my favorite authors Terry Brooks so I'm fairly confident this will be a strong book.

Obviously there is no production start date or a release date yet, but this is Forster's next movie so look for more information on this film coming soon.

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