Forget gun control debates, there needs to be a constitutional amendment to end this shit.
I absolutely loathe anything Twilight. The writing is atrocious, the acting in the films even worse, and I can't think of a worse role model for young girls than Bella Swan. And just as the Twilight phase was dying down, E. L. James's "50 Shades of Grey" had to come out. (Or as my friend likes to refer to it: "Mom Porn.") The story, in case you didn't know, started out as on-line "Twilight" fan fiction and became a best seller. Sigh. Somewhere Pat Conroy weeps.
Now, according to "The Hollywood Reporter," audiences are about to be subjected to more excrement that began as "Twilight" fan fiction. Christina Lauren's "Beautiful Bastard" will be adapted into a motion picture by Constantin Film and Jeremy Bolt (Resident Evil) is set to produce. I won't get into the "plot" but it is essentially the Bella/Edward story set in the corporate world without vampires or werewolves. I'm assuming the bad story and worse acting will probably still come standard though.
Seriously, I'm getting sick of Hollywood forcing feces down the public's throat and calling it fudge. There are plenty of original ideas out there ripe for the picking but no we get this garbage. Where the hell is the Chilean miner movie?
As of yet the film has no director and there have been no casting announcements but I'm sure Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, and Meryl Streep will be all over this soon.
Perhaps the best example of how terrible Twilight is: I watched the "Bad Lip Reading" version on YouTube and honestly didn't find it funny because I couldn't tell if it was a parody or the actual dialogue.