Some people think I have a disturbing man crush on Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I disagree. I simply find the man fascinating. He's also made some of the best action films of all time. Predator, The Terminator, Conan The Barbarian, Total Recall, Jingle All the Way...OK maybe not the last one but you get my point. Arnie of course has had his share of controversy over the last year and half with the news that he fathered a love child with his former maid. Yet in spite of that, the Austrian and former governor of KALI-FORN-YA got right back to work. He's already got The Last Stand in the theaters, The Tomb is coming out later this year, he's wrapping up another action pic called The Ten and he has plans to make another Conan movie and possibly more Terminator films as well. Not bad for a guy of sixty-five.
Yet if you follow the life and career of Schwarzenegger it is really not a surprise. A close examination of his life reveals much more than a muscle bound jock who "got lucky." Here's a man who came from a small village in Austria where he had no running water and lived in a four room house, he drove a tank in the army, he became a six time Mr. Olympia, came to America and started his own landscaping and real estate business all while learning English and competing. He was a millionaire by thirty, a movie star at thirty-five, married a Kennedy, and become governor of California at fifty-six.
Arnold's tale is quite literally the biggest American immigrant success story of the last fifty years. It truly exemplifies the American dream. That's why I think this story deserves the big screen treatment. I mean come on it is perfect fodder for Hollywood--self made man, movie stardom, wealth, prestige, controversy, politics; about the only thing Schwarzenegger's tale doesn't have is a alien abduction.
Sooner or later this man's life will be made into a movie. Why not sooner? It couldn't be any worse than the horrible made for television movie "Run Arnold Run." My only question is who should play the main role? If you ask Arnold he'd probably say him. Even though he's way too old to play himself, I'm not stupid enough to tell him no.
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