I'm a big fan of Richard Matheson. Aside from influencing one of my favorite authors Stephen King, he also wrote arguably the best vampire novel next to Bram Stoker's "Dracula." I'm speaking of course of the classic "I Am Legend." It is one of the bigger movie injustices that Hollywood has turned that book into a film three times (The Last Man On Earth, The Omega Man, I Am Legend) and failed each time. However, "The Hollywood Reporter" has revealed some big news regarding the 86 year old author. Or should I say small?
Matheson and his son are working on an updated version of his classic science fiction novel "The Shrinking Man." The novel was originally adapted into film back in 1957 and was released as The Incredible Shrinking Man. Matheson and son plan to update the movie to reflect nano-technology but hopes to keep the original spirit of the novel alive:
“My original story was a metaphor for how man’s place in the world was diminishing. That still holds today, where all these advancements that are going to save us will be our undoing.”
I dig it. Richard Matheson and his son will release the film through their company Matheson Entertainment. Lets hope the author lives to see the new movie and that it will herald more Richard Matheson adaptations.
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