While this may be the most amazing and technologically advanced era in the whole of human history there is a drawback. With Twitter, Facebook, Ipads, the Internet, Smartphones, et al, we are living in what I like to call "the world of right now." If it's not something we can look up in two seconds, tweet, or find on Wikipedia we immediately become irritated, frustrated, and impatient. Mind you this is a society that is just a few decades removed from the wireless radio. An era where if you wanted to communicate with someone you actually used the telephone, you didn't text, or you wrote a letter, you didn't email.
I kind of feel that this "world of right now" has translated into the Fanboy world as well. It is a sub or offshoot world if you will. I like to call it "the world of unrealistic movie expectations." We've become spoiled by such films as The Dark Knight, The Matrix, Iron Man, and 300 that anything less than perfection is seen as a huge let down. How ridiculous! Take for example two of the bigger tentpole movies from 2012, The Dark Knight Rises and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. While fanboys complained ad nauseum about the flaws in each film (and there are don't get me wrong) the one thing I gleaned was that these guys were angry that The Dark Knight Rises wasn't The Dark Knight and that The Hobbit wasn't The Lord of the Rings. I guarantee that if The Dark Knight and The Lord of the Rings had never happened that those same fanboys would sing the praises of The Hobbit and The Dark Knight Rises. The expectations anymore aren't just high, they're are unrealistic. I mean Judas Priest people are already condemning Man of Steel because it has Jane Olson in it instead of Jimmy Olson and the movie doesn't premiere for another six months! Get a grip already!
Now that's not to say that audiences shouldn't expect a quality film when they shell out their hard earned money at the local theater. Far from it. But I do believe fanboys need to stop condemning films just because they don't live up to the expectations of previous superhero movies. Sorry to break it to you nerds but Antman just doesn't have as compelling a back story as Batman.
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