It seems that former Star Wars members are slowly but surely being pulled back into the Sarlacc pit.
Initially I took this news with a grain of salt since the only source was "Latino Review" but since then "Fox News Latino" and also the website "Comicbook movie" have joined the mix.
All three are reporting that septuagenarian Harrison Ford is set to reprise has role as the devil may care Han Solo in the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII. Obviously no contracts have officially been signed, although Ford said he would be down to reprise the role several months ago. (Ironic considering he once told George Lucas that he should kill off his character at the end of Return of the Jedi). Personally I think it is inevitable that he, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher will return at least for the first film.
One thing I don't hear anyone mentioning is bringing back Billie Dee Williams as Lando. I would love to see what direction the writers go with his character.
Star Wars Episode VII hits theaters in summer 2015 or 2016. Ford meanwhile will next appear in 42 as Branch Rickey in April, and as Colonel Hyrum Graff in November's science fiction film Ender's Game.
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