Sunday, August 18, 2013

Jim Halpert dinosaur tamer?

For better or worse (hopefully better) audiences will soon experience a fourth edition to the Jurassic Park franchise, and if director Colin Trevorrow has his way, actor John Krasinski may play a major part.

"Movieweb" reports that Krasinski (best known for his role as Jim Halpert on "The Office") is up for a role as a dinosaur "tamer" in Jurassic Park IV.*  For those of you unaware the basic plot of the fourth films involves Jurassic Park becoming an actual tourist park, just like original developer John Hammond envisioned....but of course something goes horribly wrong.

"Movieweb" went on to say that Krasinski's role would be similar to that of Dennis Quaid in Jaws 3.  Umm yeah....about that...just spit balling here but that's probably not the best comparison to make.

Personally I think this would be a horrible fit for Krasinski.  Far be it from me to try to pigeonhole an actor but Krasinski seems best suited for romantic comedies, Disney films, or movies where he is playing a sarcastic smart ass.  To me a dinosaur tamer involves a man's man and I don't see that in Krasinski.

Jurassic Park IV releases summer 2015.

*I really hope they don't title this film Jurassic Park IV.  It should be something like Jurassic Park Into Dinosaur. 

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