Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Who let the dogs out? Playstation game Watch Dogs coming to the big screen

PS4 doesn't hit stores for another 2 1/2 months, but already Sony and Ubisoft are looking to bring one of the new console's games to the big screen.

"Watch Dogs" focuses on the ever popular open world motif, similar to the "Grand Theft Auto" games and has some amazing graphics.  The desire for a feature film based off the video game may have something to do with the game's plot:

Watch Dogs centers on Aiden Pearce, a brilliant hacker bent on revenge and inflicting his own brand of justice after a violent family tragedy. Using all of his skills, Pearce hacks into Chicago’s Central Operating System (ctOS), which controls the city’s infrastructure, including security cameras, traffic lights, and public transportation, as well as databases containing key information on the city’s residents. In the game, Pearce turns the entire city of Chicago into his ultimate weapon.

Seems like action movie magic to me.  I could totally see Karl Urban playing Aiden Pearce.  While I think there's never been a truly successful videogame to film adaptation, I believe audiences are bound to experience a good one sooner rather than later.  The storylines in some of these videogames rival movie scripts for content and suspense.  Don't believe me?  Try asking someone who's played "The Last of Us," "Mass Effect 3," or "Tomb Raider" lately and see what they think.  I see no reason why "Watch Dogs" couldn't be the first great video game adaptation.

Playstation 4 hits store shelves November 15th.

1 comment:

  1. Video games tell better stories than a lot of movies. As the medium becomes more interactive, and intuitive, I think this will continue.

    Also the plot reminds me a bit of the show "Person of Interest"
