Thursday, November 7, 2013

Casting for Sarah Connor and John Connor commences for "Terminator 5"

Like it or not Terminator 5, whether it's a reboot or a direct sequel, is coming our way.  After the Terminator: Salvation debacle I'm not too hopeful, althought the fact that AH-NULD is supposedly involved bodes well.  I also like the fact that Alan Taylor, one of the directors of "Game of Thrones," could helm the project.  Now comes the news that one of his fellow co-workers may join the cast of the fifth entry.

According to "Schmoes Know," "Game of Thrones" actress and resident hottie Emilia Clarke is up for the role of Sarah Connor* as are Brie Larson, and Margot Robbie.  I am a huge fan of Clarke.  Forget about the fact that she is smoking hot, she's a damn talented actress.  Clarke could strike just the right balance between toughness and vulnerability that this role requires.

As for the John Connor role actors Garrett Hedlund (above) and Boyd Holbrook of "Hatfield and McCoys" fame are up for the role.  If I had to pick between the two I'd go Hedlund.  I know he takes a lot of shit but I like him.

The real question is why they would cast the roles of Sarah and John with similar ages.  I mean after all John is Sarah's son.  Obviously there has to be some type of time travel angle to this.  And where exactly does Schwarzenegger fit into all this?  I'm speculating here but this could be a big okie doke and Hedlund will really be playing the role of Kyle Reese.

*Ironically one of Clarke's co-stars on "Game of Thrones" Lena Headey starred in the short lived television series "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles."

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